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Glass Screen Protector Write for Us

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The standard protector is always complete with plastic. It protects most of the front (sometimes the glass protrudes over the protector’s edges), is perfectly positioned, and offers more than good protection against scratches. So why remove it? As long as the brand does not take the opportunity to print the characteristics on that plastic sheet, something less and less common (in cheap mobiles it continues to happen).

Unlike plastic protectors, the level of protection is high, even in moments of extreme delicacies, such as a direct hit against the ground. Sensitivity is another of its significant advantages since the sliding of the fingers through this material is very natural.

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Mobile – Device

Personal digital assistants

Thermoplastic polyurethane

Tempered glass




Mobile phone accessories and Cases

Laminated glass

Electronic device

Physical damage

LCD Screen

Finger Prints

Screen protectors

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