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5 Instagram Marketing Tools to Improve Your Brand’s Identity in 2020

5 Instagram Marketing Tools to Improve Your Brand’s Identity in 2020

Instagram Marketing Tools

Instagram is the most rapidly-growing social media platform in the millennial demographic. It has more than 111 million active monthly users, giving both individuals and companies the appropriate space to put their brand in front of their target audience.

Instagram marketing can scale your brand by an enormous proportion within weeks, provided you use the correct marketing tools. Wondering what tools can give your brand a head-start? Keep reading.

1) Automation tool

Artificial intelligence can work wonders for your Instagram venture. For example, it is not possible to reply to all DMs manually. It will take hours, even days, to finish answering all the messages you receive. Introducing an automation tool such as Kicksta to your company’s Instagram handle can help to reply to basic customer queries quickly. Your target audience will be impressed if they get a prompt response. They would want to check out your products and services, thus increasing sales volume.

2) Scheduling tool

There is a specific time when Instagram experiences more traffic. For example, after 9 pm, when everyone is back from work, traffic usually spikes. This is the time you should exploit. Try uploading your posts when most of your target audience is online. The scheduling tool helps to upload posts automatically at specified times. You don’t have to stay online on Instagram to upload it manually. Let the scheduling tool take care of it.

3) Followers tool

Gaining more followers on Instagram increases your chances of spreading your brand’s word. A limited audience is not enough to survive in this cut-throat competition. You need as many followers in your target audience to share your brand’s presence and increase traffic on your Instagram page and official website. Buying Instagram followers is one way to head-start that initiative. Famoid, for example, provides genuine followers instead of fake profiles that disappear after a few weeks.

4) Analytics tool

Attention to detail is something that can help increase your brand’s presence on Instagram. An analytics tool will help you concentrate on those details in the following ways:

  • Analyzes your marketing performance
  • Refining your marketing content
  • Expanding the number of followers
  • Developing effecting marketing campaigns

You will often notice a few brands sticking to a specific color scheme in every marketing campaign. Why? Because the audience likes it. This is the type of analytical detail you need to grow your brand’s presence.

5) What’s a trending tool

Sometimes following your competitor’s idea can bring more success than trying something unique. Instagram is all about “whatever works.” No one cares if you copied an idea or got influenced by someone else’s marketing campaign. Some of the analytics tools can help you stay updated with the current marketing trend. For example, if your competitors are offering a gift voucher during Christmas, you can follow that trend also. Sometimes trying something new can turn against you. Try to be innovative, even though you follow the trend.

Instagram is an incredible platform to promote your brand. But you need the combination of the correct tools to achieve your goal. Use the above tools from day one to stay ahead of your competitors.

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