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Video Write for us

video imageA video is a system for recording and reproducing images, which may be accompanied by sounds, which works through magnetic tape. Today it is known to almost everyone; it consists of capturing a series of photographs (in this context called “frames”) that are then shown in sequence and at high speed to reconstruct the original scene.

The term refers to different formats and analogue videotapes, such as VHS and Beta max, along with digital formats, such as DVD and MPEG-4. The video quality depends on different factors, such as the capture method and the type of storage chosen.

Popularity of videos

The birth of YouTube marked a before and after in terms of the popularity of videos and access to them. Since its beginning in 2005, it has offered its users the possibility of sharing various genres, with music and vlogging being the most common. The latter is derived from the terms “video” and “blog” and usually consists of short recordings dealing with different daily life topics. They were a personal diary that we can share with the entire world in video format.

Various video compression techniques seek to reduce the size of a digital recording (or converted it to this medium) to facilitate its distribution. Depending on the type of content, these processes more or less affect the final result; Recordings of people in urban settings suffer less than documentaries about nature and computer-generated films, where the level of detail is almost essential.

On the other hand, the word video refers to a video clip, a sequence generally linked to the world of music, the duration of which does not usually exceed 5 minutes. It is common for music groups and solo singers to produce video clips of their songs to promote the release of an album. For example: “Britney Spears’ new video has got censored for its strong images,” “Michael Jackson’s genius transcended music, as he was also a pioneer in the field of video clips.”

Storage technology like DVDs also cannot be overlooked in a video life timeline. In this format, millions of movies are stored and transported every year, and even home videos or presentations can be made, for example, when we make a video to play at a birthday party. Today we even have the most advanced Blu-Ray technology at our fingertips, which can store a considerable amount of gigabytes, far exceeding the possibilities and benefits of DVD.

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