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Scanner Write for Us

scanner imageThe scanner is a device used to scan and record an image. The scanner translates the result of this activity into electrical signals that can be processed. The computer scanner is the most popular. This peripheral uses light to convert images (a document, a photograph, etc.) into a digital file. After obtaining the record, it can be edited and modified on the computer.


However the first scanner, developed in 1984, generated low resolution black and white images. Over the years,the quality of the result improved a lot. Today, the scanner is usually integrated into the printer, leading to what is known as a multi function printer.

Scanning an image is a process that has a relatively high degree of complexity if we want to obtain the best results, but which can be considerably simplified if we take advantage of the assistance provided by specialized programs. Furthermore, for a user without technical knowledge about the image, press a button, and in a few seconds, the capture will be finished, generating a file in the default folder by the program. Others, however, must pay attention to various parameters.

However, one of the essential properties of a scanner is the resolution it is capable of capturing, which we measure in dots per inch (this unit of measurement is known as dpi). This value is of utmost importance for people who want to print their scanned documents and photos and, therefore, must match the capabilities of the printer so that the selected quality can get used.

On the other hand, is the color depth (also known as bpp or bits per pixel). Moreover, this concept refers to the number of bits needed for the representation of the color of the pixel. The higher the color depth, the more colors the scanner can capture (on monitors, this gets reflected in the number of colors it can reproduce).

Despite all the possibilities offered by current technology, the truth is that the scanner is still a necessary peripheral in practically any activity we carry out, even more so in activities such as graphic design and all areas where images are of preponderant need.

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