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9 Tips for Making an Effective Travel Brochure

9 Tips for Making an Effective Travel Brochure

9 Tips for Making an Effective Travel Brochure

For years, travel brochures have been used to bring in business. They are effective marketing tools that can persuade the reader to choose your destination. If you want your brochure to succeed in selling your product, here are some tips for writing and designing an effective travel brochure:

1. Clearly explain what makes your destination unique and what sets it apart from other destinations.

What’s special about your location? Why should people visit there and not somewhere else (besides its proximity and ease of access)? Why would they want to go there instead of anywhere else? What experience do you offer that they cannot get elsewhere? The answers will be different for every destination; what works for one place may not work for another. Before creating a brochure, you need to know exactly what makes your location special and market those selling points to potential visitors.

2. Make it visually appealing.

What is the first thing you see when you pick up a brochure? The cover, of course! Therefore, make sure that the design of your travel brochure is attractive enough to catch someone’s attention on a bookshelf or countertop. Venngage is a site worth checking out if you’re searching for a way to develop outstanding layouts. It offers a large template collection containing the work of some of the business industry’s top illustrators, which you may access at any time.

3. Give people a reason to visit.

You can’t expect someone to visit simply because you’re there while they know nothing about your destination. It’s not all the time that people are automatically interested in visiting, they won’t put so much effort to go through all of your information just to see something new. You need to give them a reason, such as an experience they can’t get anywhere else or some other type of incentive.

For example, if your location is known for its amazing sunsets, you could include a sunset photography contest on the inside cover. By this, people will be more interested to visit your place.

Give people a reason to visit

4. Promote yourself.

A lot of independent locations like bed and breakfasts rely solely on word of mouth for marketing, but it is never as effective as some well-placed advertising. You should definitely let people know that you exist, and a travel brochure is a great way to do that. Make sure your first sentence includes your location and the year it was established.

Sometimes, people don’t trust places that have not been around for a very long time. They’re afraid they might book a room or make a reservation at an establishment that has no good reviews but only provides not-so-good experiences for the visitors.


5. Include phone numbers, website links, email addresses.

It may be convenient for people to pick up brochures from the counter of their favorite hotels and hand them over to their travel agent to instantly book for them. However, this kind of advertising is not that very effective. Travel agents use information from various sources – such as the internet and other brochures – to plan their clients’ trips.

Therefore, if your location doesn’t have a website or email address listed on your brochure, it’ll be harder for people to reach out to you. If this happens, they might end up booking somewhere else. The same thing applies to phone numbers – if a potential customer cannot reach you out through a call during busy periods, there is a chance that they might go elsewhere for a vacation because there was no way to contact you for inquiries.

6. Keep it simple.

It doesn’t matter how beautiful or unique your travel brochure is if no one can figure out what it’s about. You need to include the necessary information on the pages inside, but it should not be crowded or messy to look at. You may opt to make it as a tri-fold brochure but still in a simple way.

Of course, you would want potential customers to be able to read through your brochure easily and quickly find the information they are looking for. This will help them decide if they want to visit your location. Also, precise information may encourage them to spread positive -word of mouth that could potentially generate even more businesses. To expound your ideas, Venngage is a perfect tool for a flyer maker. In Fact, many marketers these days use QR codes on brochures to link the information they couldn’t add in the brochure. This makes them more interactive and informative.

7. Make your price clear.

When people browse travel brochures, they often look at the price first. This is often a factor when choosing where to go for a vacation. If you’re charging $100 per night for a room, make sure the prices are clearly posted in your brochure so people know what they’re getting into. However, don’t make it the first thing on the page; you don’t want to scare away potential customers because your prices are higher than other locations in your area! Start with something eye-catching and then work your way down to pricing.


8. Highlight what makes you unique.

You need to let people know that you offer more than just a place to stay at night; otherwise, why would they choose you over other accommodations? Do you offer anything special such as spas or gourmet restaurants? Are there any activities available such as rock climbing or kayaking during specific times of the year?

Make sure these things are included somewhere on your travel brochure (perhaps in a separate section) and make them stand out as well! Nothing is too good for your customers, so don’t skimp on the things that could potentially change their decision to come and stay at your place.

9. Always double-check.

Once you’re done designing and printing your travel brochures, take a few minutes to look them over one more time before handing them out to potential customers. You will be able to catch mistakes such as spelling errors and typos. Correcting them will prevent people from thinking that you don’t care enough about your business advertisements. That is why you need to make sure that you also have a good quality paper to be used in brochure printing.

And of course, all these creative ideas can be successful with the use of Venngage. They have a variety of templates that you can use for your next travel brochure. Explore now!

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